
Sunday, October 16, 2011

Worms Shooting Games

worms download gameWorms Flash Game

When the children put there hands in the box they will feel In the box have a bowl of cold spaghetti smeared with tomato sauce for fake blood. Tell the kids that there is brains in the box and they have to put there hands in the box to move to the next Fear Factor Dare. Put some disgusting stuff in a box with a hole cut in it. The best way to start the game is to go for touch.

play flash games wormsWorms World Party

If you have not seen the show, the basic idea is to perform disgusting, gross dares that will even turn the garbage man's stomach. This Halloween, instead of the traditional Halloween party games, have a home fear factor. Fear Factor is a game show on TV that challenges contestants to do scary and disgusting feats to win a prize. You are sure to think of a few new games yourself, but after reading these ideas it might prime you to be more creative.

Break from the pack and start a new trend by playing Halloween games that are popular themed and will really give memories of fright and fun and not of boredom. This year try something new at your Halloween party. The traditional telling of ghost stories with a flashlight on your face still is a Halloween party favorite. Bobbing for Apples has been a Halloween party games standby for a century or more. If you have ever been to a Halloween party you know that there are traditional games in which every kid has taken part of.

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