
Monday, October 17, 2011

Point Blank Games

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Just before he leaves to go on his mission, he gives His previous special training, plus his quick thinking, pay off and save his life, but he is on his guard around Fiona from that moment forward. They are in the country, deep in the woods, and nobody would find him, and nobody would care. Alex soon realized, to his horror, that they intend to shoot him, and they do not seem to care at all if they are true to their aim.

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She is supposed to be his sister, and she reluctantly allows him to accompany her and her rich boyfriend and other male friends on a little hunting trip in the country. There he meets Fiona Friend, a beautiful girl who knows it. But before he leaves, he must spend some time with the family to which he is supposed to belong. This time he is sent undercover to a select school for boys high in the mountains of France. He claims he didn't miss the work so much, but keeping what happened a secret was proving to be quite difficult.

Almost immediately after finishing his first mission as a fourteen-year-old spy for the British Intelligence Agency, M16, Alex Rider is back on the job. This is part of the adventure that awaits Alex Rider in the second of his series of books, Point Blank, by Anthony Horowitz. Or maybe you've had the strange experience of meeting someone who looked so much like you that people have gotten you confused.

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