
Friday, October 14, 2011

Prince of Persia Games

prince of persia pc gamesPrince of Persia Sands of Time

All ages will enjoy It has a good solid storyline and you definitely can't complain of boredom. The story is narrated by an almost human voice that is very realistic. There are many traps and dungeons as you climb, jump and crawl your way through the castle. Perhaps it is better this way, it eliminates confusion and makes it easy to make a kill. You fight a large number of different assailants, but the variety of your technique is somewhat limited to just a few simple moves. The acrobats of the Prince are far more challenging than the actual fighting. The combat remains simple as in previous versions. It will give you a sense of relief to know that Prince of Persia Classic Trilogy is money well spent.
prince of persia online gamesPrince of Persia Flash Games

The puzzles are complicated but once you figure them out it will be an accomplishment well worth discovering. The acrobatic performances are mesmerizing. Whether you are new or played the games before you will find it exciting and a real addictive adventure. With sharp, crisp graphics and a good storyline this series is a must for gamers who like adventure. The scenes are fantastically recreated using HD and makes the game all the more enjoyable to play. The main upgrades to Prince of Persia Classic Trilogy is the graphics on the Blu Ray disc. For gamers who played the Prince of Persia games previously will find that this trilogy is quite a refreshing change from the games of the past. Prince of Persia Classic Trilogy combines all 3 games on one Blu Ray disc.

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