
Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Driver Video Game

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By implementing a strategy to get driving speed down, programmers could use Speeding. Young drivers often feel a sense of immortality when they first get their license. For instance, the game cannot be started until the seat belt has been fastened. Seat Belts. Another aspect that could be implemented is a way of making their seat belt a fail-safe in the game.

With a video game that simulates different aspects of driving, a student could effectively gain confidence and learn to pay attention when they are in the driver's seat. Focus One of the issues young drivers face is the ability to focus on the road. If programmers focus on the latter argument and the positive effects video games can have, they might be able to come up with games that promote safe driving habits while still entertaining the masses. The argument for video games is they give children an advantage because of the hand-eye coordination they learn at such an early age. One argument against video games is they subconsciously teach our children the road is a place to have fun, when they should be focused on safety.

driver parallel linesPS1 Driver

Could video game programmers use their talents to teach kids how to drive responsibly? Part of the appeal of these games is their realism when it comes to driving a car. Games like Grand Theft Auto 4 and Need For Speed have topped the list of the most played games on any console. The world of video games is one of the largest and most lucrative fields in programming.

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