Playing cards probably, is the best way to while out time. No one can argue that one of the worst feelings in the world is to get stuck in a position when one does not know what to do. A position where in one has time but nothing constructive to do to while that time out. This is the time everyone dares as it is toughest to see it off. And the worst part is that it takes an eternity to get finished. Still people have come up with different ideas to make good such a period. Some of the popular means of whiling out such torturous phase is by listening to music, or reading novels or books, watching favourite, recorded programmes etc. None, of these options, however, are interesting enough. Rather than warding of boredom they actually would further complicate the issue.
All these options are such that they would have been repeated so many times that there wouldn't be any excitement or thrill left in them. The best way to while out time, therefore, is by playing games, especially, indoor games. These can be enjoyed by young and old alike and can be played anywhere. Some such games are chess, Chinese checker, ludo, carom etc. However, all these pale into insignificance when pitted against cards. A game which can justifiably termed as a game for kings and king of games. Indeed, playing cards is the best way of warding of boredom and making good use of time. No wonder it enjoys such a great acceptance across the world.
For a man who is watching people playing cards it might appear to be boring but ask this to people who are playing cards and they would tell you that there is nothing more exciting than playing cards. It is also very taxing for it requires a sound mind to understand the situation and plan in a way that victory does not remain elusive. It requires calculation of highest order without which one simply cannot think of winning a game of cards.
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