Under the rules of the game, players must play a deck that contains a minimum of 40 cards. Decks containing cards more than that number will increase the player's risk of losing the game as the more cards are present, the smaller the chance of you to draw the pieces you need. Limiting the cards to 40 to 45 is then best. It is important to note as well that while having that standard 40-card deck, a player can have three duplicates of a particular character in a single deck. The cards placed on the Side deck are made to count through the three duplicates, but limited or restricted cards are present, as well.
To make a good start, always keep the Monster card to the Magic Card, which is marked with a ratio of 1:1. These cards are worth keeping as they hold the foundation of your decks. They are ones that work to defend your Life Points. So to stay safe, make sure that half of your deck is composed of monster cards. From there, get your High Level Monsters down to its minimum number. Monsters are offered during the game to initiate a Tribute Summon, and keeping your deck with many High Level Monsters will make your summon more costly. Also, use the Effect Monsters in the best way possible. The ones that boast a trap or magic are more valuable as you can build your decks if these effects are used correctly.

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