By now I'm sure you have discovered that it is indeed possible to get what you need to make burning games for Xbox 360 possible. The fact is that it is perfectly legal for companies to provide the software needed to actually burn the games. As well, it is perfectly legal for you to actually burn the games as long as you are doing it only to make back up copies. But doesn't this open the door to crooks, thieves and derelicts to also start burning games for Xbox 360?

You and I both know that there are unscrupulous people out there that are going to use this software to burn hundreds if not thousands of copied to benefit their own greedy desires. They are going to sell them on the internet or at swap meets to unsuspecting, and possibly even suspecting customers. They are going to pocket the money and move on to the steal the next game. If you think about the repercussion this could have then you are probably realizing something very obvious here. If the actual game makers do not make the profits on the games, then how are they going to be able to make new games? It's not the thieves that sit for hundreds of hours programing our games. It is the game designers, programers and production companies that release the titles. So this goes even further not only are these people stealing the game they are possibly stealing the lively hood of a whole group of people that helped create the game in the first place.

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